The Telluride Horror Show, Colorado's first and longest-running horror film festival, returns for its 8th edition October 13-15, 2017. Every year, the festival attracts the latest & best horror films from around the world and attendeesfrom all over the country for an intimate gathering of genre film fans in the world-famous mountain resort town of Telluride, Colorado. For three days and nights, experience an eclectic mix of horror, suspense, thriller, fantasy, sci-fi and dark comedy in Telluride's historic theaters, with many of the films showing for the first time in the US. The festival line-up offers over 20 feature films, more than 50 short films, surprise screenings of highly-anticipated genre films at our "Secret Sunday Shows", along with special programs, guests, and events. If you love horror, and film, then you can't miss this fest.
"20 Coolest Film Festivals" | MovieMaker Magazine