Bookcliff Barbershop Harmony Chorus Presents: THE GRAND VALLEY'S GOT TALENT

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Event Description

Featuring: The Bookcliff Harmony Chorus and Quartets

Grand Mesa Sweet Adelines

Grand Junction High School Choirs

Caprock Academy High School Choir And Band

Saturday, April 9, 2016

The Avalon Theater

645 Main Street Grand Junction, CO 81501

2:00pm and 7:00pm

Adults - $15

Students - $10

Each year, honoring our commitment in support of our valley's vocal music programs, we offer Vocal Music Instructors in the Grand Valley the chance to perform on our annual show and thereby receive our direct financial contribution to their Vocal Music Programs. Over the past several years, the Bookcliff Chorus has contributed nearly $18,000 to area vocal music programs. We are extremely proud of our effort and have benefited greatly from contributing sponsors who have so generously aided us in this worthwhile and so-needed endeavor. The Vocal Music and Band programs of the schools listed above are this year's beneficiaries. 


For more information,

or call (970) 257-7664